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20 – Hold Space – Jillian – In the Birth Altar

I am local to Far North Queensland and grew up on a farm near Tully.  Cairns area has been my home for 22 years.

My greatest achievements ever have been home birthing and raising 3 awesome daughters, and blending a family with my amazing partner and his children. As I have mothered my children I have studied Art, Dance, Clothing design and manufacture, Women’s Health, Yoga teacher training, Doula studies and so much more over the last umpteen years.

In 2018 I graduated from the School of Shamanic Womancraft – a journey that changed my life forever. I was deeply supported during this time to step into my gifts and share them with the world.

My work and passion as a Birth Keeper and Doula see me supporting Mothers and Families emotionally, physically and lovingly through the major life-changing events of Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond.

I view life as a constant opportunity to rebirth new aspects of ourselves. This explains my passion for supporting and guiding people through these major changes and rites of passage.

My passion for facilitating events and retreats for women comes from a deep knowing that when women feel free to be themselves, they feel empowered, connected in life and to nature and their creativity. Women in their power bring a profound and positive healing effect to other people and to our planet.



Musings from Jillian

“Working with my births I also worked with the births of my own children.”

“I followed my instinct and it felt really safe to do that.”

“My family and friends could see, and feel the change in me so deeply.”

“I appreciated the time and space I had to integrate the journey between gatherings and feel it in my body.”

“There is just so much love and acceptance, I felt so accepted for who I really was not who I thought I needed to be, that was the deepest healing.”

“My work as a birth Doula forces me to grow all the time.”

“Being connected with the school has allowed healing to happen as I continue my work in the world.”

“As a birth keeper, I can bring so much of the school’s work into my work with women.”

“Listen to the grandmothers call.”

Flow with Jillian

Website: www.zamama.love

Instagram: @zamama_shamana

Facebook: Zamama_shamana







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