Terms & Conditions
School of Shamanic Womancraft
We are delighted that you are interested in studying with the School of Shamanic Womancraft (SSW). If you decide to study with us you will experience one of the most personally uplifting, challenging and inspirational periods of time in your life.
These terms and conditions form the agreement between The School of Shamanic Womancraft (“us” “our” “we”) and our Students (“you” “your”). The School of Shamanic Womancraft is an internationally accredited school with various courses on offer. The School of Shamanic Womancraft is an International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT) Approved Training Provider.
This agreement commences when you enrol in the School of Shamanic Womancraft courses: (Four or Eight Seasons Journey; Earth Woman, Shamanic Womancraft retreats; Moonsong, Shamanic Dimensions of Pregnancy, Autumn Woman Harvest Queen workshops; Maidens School of Magic) and continues until termination is made in accordance with these terms. We may update these terms and conditions from time to time, so we recommend that you re-visit this page to stay informed of any changes that are made. Any changes to our terms will only apply to new Students who enrol under the new terms.
SSW Apprenticeship
SSW Temple App
Maidens School of Magic
Terms & Conditions
1. Our Commitment to You
1.1 The Four Seasons Journey (4SJ) is a year-long course. The Eight Seasons Journey (8SJ) is a two-year course. Both are conducted by way of:
- Six Gatherings over the year or two years – Opening Gathering, Full Moon Gathering, Dark Moon Gathering, Wilderness Solo, Wilderness Solo Debrief, Closing Gathering.
- Participation in the 4 core SSW workshops during your journey year. It is required that you attend 2 of each workshop during the year. (It is recommended that you attend a Moonsong workshop prior to the commencement of your journey).
- Home-study Modules including self-paced reading and assignments.
- Access to an online temple which holds all of your course work, readings, handouts and from the year.
- Online group support via private temple space online, private Facebook group and external community circles ie: signal or whats app
1.2 All students receive the following School of Shamanic Womancraft materials which have been created specifically for this course. These are provided to you four weeks prior to the first gathering:
- Four or Eight Seasons journey Handbook (including readings and coursework).
- Additions to this handbook (reading and coursework) for each gathering.
- E-books by Jane Hardwicke Collings (Herstory, Becoming a Woman, Ten Moons).
- Print copies of Thirteen Moons: A Cycle Charting Handbook & Journal and Spinning Wheels, collected at the Opening Gathering.
1.3 We also provide you with:
- Ongoing support with your teachers throughout the year.
- Opportunity to connect with the other students and graduates of the school both in online groups (through the SSW Temple, Facebook and Googlegroup emails) and in person at the MerConference (the annual gathering of SSW students, teachers and graduates) and other gatherings throughout the year.
2. Enrolment and Commencement
2.1 We accept registrations at any time prior to the commencement of the Course until the course is full or we have reached the enrolment deadline.
2.2 To enrol, you must complete the registration form and pay the enrolment fee. Once we receive your registration, we will send you an official welcome email into the course, confirming that your application is complete.
2.3 You will be contacted by your teachers to arrange your enrolment ‘Innerview’, where your teachers will speak with you about your personal ‘herstory,’ and to find out how to best support you throughout the course.
2.4 You will not hear further from us until we send you the course materials approximately four weeks before the Opening Gathering. This timeline may change depending on when you enrol. However, you are welcome to contact Admin with any questions you may have.
3. Your Commitment to the SSW
3.1 The School of Shamanic Womancraft requires a commitment of time, co-operation and participation. The Four and Eight Seasons Journey runs for one or two years. It is our experience that to successfully complete the 4/8SJ, students need to dedicate approximately ten hours of study between gatherings.
3.2 You acknowledge that undertaking the 4/8SJ may at times be personally challenging and you will not knowingly undertake the course if you believe that you will not respond well to personal conversations, personal growth and constructive feedback in keeping with the modality of Shamanic Womancraft.
3.3 We record part of the gatherings with audio/video/photography. By enroling in the 4/8SJ you consent to these recordings, unless you state on your Duty of Care form that you do NOT consent to this. The photos and recordings are made available to students on the course and may be used for promotion. No sensitive process is recorded for any use but your own.
3.4 It is highly recommended that you attend every gathering for your growth and learning.
4. Your Commitment to Fellow Students
4.1 You acknowledge that you are undertaking an adult learning process and that everyone has individual approaches to learning and participation. You acknowledge that there may be times when you or other students will have a difference of opinion or values and that you will deal with those differences with dignity and respect for yourself and others.
4.2 All students have access to the Temple and Googlegroup email and you acknowledge that participating in this space is an aspect of strengthening the circle of the 4/8SJ you are participating in.
4.3 All students are supporting each other through our shared experience and collective wisdom (a concept referred to as “circle as shaman”). You agree to the principals of safety and confidentiality.
5. Participation Requirements
5.1 You agree to attend all in person gatherings, arriving and leaving on time as directed by your teachers.
5.2 You agree to participate in all aspects of the 4/8SJ (including use the temple , the Googlegroup and Facebook page) in good faith and in a way so as to not bring disrepute or cause reputational or other damage to the School of Shamanic Womancraft.
- programs are not ‘therapeutic’ or a substitute for therapy.
- participation in a Four/Eight Seasons Journey is entirely by choice, voluntarily and freely made.
- you may choose not to participate in any part of a program.
- you acknowledge that your involvement in a program can be discontinued at the discretion of the SSW.
- If you are under the care of a treating professional for mental health reasons, you must provide confirmation to The SSW that the professional has agreed to your involvement in this program.
5.4 SSW reserves the right to assess you for compatibility with programs and in some cases registrations may not be accepted.
5.5 You acknowledge that the Four Seasons Journey is conducted in wilderness areas and that the availability of medical resources and services may be limited. It is strongly recommended that you have ambulance cover. In case of an emergency an ambulance will be called and you will be required to pay the ambulance fee if you do not have ambulance cover, or are in a state that does not have ambulance cover.
- You agree to read, fill in and return our Duty of Care Waiver prior to the course start date, or on the day of the opening gathering,
- the Four/Eight Seasons Journey can be physically and psychologically challenging – for the safety of all, we require that you be in good physical, mental and emotional health. You agree to take full responsibility for your health, wellbeing, safety, and all that you experience while participating in the 4SJ.
- Taking account of your health and personal capabilities, you assume the inherent risks in taking part in the program, physical and psychological, including but not limited to rugged terrain, poisonous creatures, exposure to heat and cold, possible COVID or other infections, and activities which may be psychologically challenging and/or confronting.
- You release the SSW, SSW teachers, apprentices and its associates from liability or claims, financial or otherwise, in respect of accidental injury, illness
5.7 You agree that you will not upload or provide content on the Googlegroup or on the Facebook page which is:
- defamatory, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, intimidating, harassing, disrespectful, inappropriate, harmful, hateful, abusive, tortious, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, sexist, racist, homophobic, violent or degrading;
- infringes the intellectual or other proprietary interests of third parties;
- contains spam, chain letters, pyramid and other such selling and marketing schemes, computer viruses, computer code, files or programs or other harmful components that are designed to interrupt, destroy, change or limit the functionality of the Site or any other computer software, hardware or other electronic equipment, information which in any way impinges on another user’s use or enjoyment of the Site or otherwise breaches or encourages other users to breach these Terms and Conditions.
- violates any law; or
- encourages or incites any other person to engage in any of the above behaviour.
5.8 You agree that you will not:
- Use technology or other means that is not authorised by the SSW to access the SSW website;
- Use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, “robots,” “spiders,” or “offline readers,” to access the SSW website;
- Attempt to or introduce viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that may interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the SSW website or the Facebook page;
- Gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the SSW website or Facebook page including the networks or user accounts; or
- Attempt to or engage in conduct that damages, disables, overburdens, or impairs the SSW website, Facebook page, servers or networks.
6. Your Financial Commitment
We encourage you to carefully consider your ability to commit to a Four or Eight Seasons Journey, to yourself, to the SSW and to the women in the circle. During the lead up time to the commencement of the course, your may experience resistance to the inner and outer work required. We are here to support you though this common part of the transformational experience.
6.1 In order to secure your place in the Four or Eight Seasons Journey we require payment of the course fees either in an upfront payment or via a deposit and twelve monthly instalments.
6.2 Upfront payments receive a discounted rate. If paying by instalment, your first deposit payment is due with your registration. Each following payment will be withdrawn from your account on the same date each month.
6.3 Course fees cover all accommodation, catering, materials, administration and support costs at gatherings, as well as support throughout the year.
6.4 You are responsible for any costs associated with participating in Zoom group calls, (cost of a local call/higher from mobiles or free via the internet) and transportation to and from the gatherings.
6.5 If you are unable to attend a gathering for any reason, you are still responsible for the full fees of the course. A make-up gathering will be created if possible. A make-up gathering can take the form of a small circle held by a teacher or an apprentice and any available journey women, or an online process held by a teacher or apprentice.
6.6 All monthly fees must be paid on time. If payments are not made, or you do not reply to communication about late payments, then the case may be referred to a collection agency. All effort is used to communicate and support students who may be having difficulty paying their fees.
6.7 To ensure financial viability, there is typically a minimum number of participants required in any given program. Where travel to a program is required, do not make any formal travel arrangements until you receive confirmation from the SSW that the program is proceeding.
7. Transferring and Withdrawing
7.1 We conduct our services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind.
As such, we do not provide refunds except under extreme circumstances.
7.2 Withdrawal and Refund Period
The Four and Eight Seasons Journey commences when you register for the course and receive your Welcome letter.
The official start date of the Four Seasons Journey is approx one month before the first gathering, when you are given access to the online temple.
If you withdraw after the commencement of your enrolment and prior to the official start date of the course, you will be refunded minus a $500 administration fee.
If we need to cancel a course, you will be refunded in full.
- If you paid the full fee amount at the time of registration, and choose to withdraw from the course prior to commencement, you will be refunded the fees less a $500 administrative fee.
- If you paid the full fee amount at the time of registration, and choose to withdraw from the course at any time post commencement of the course, you will be not be refunded
- If you are paying by monthly instalments, and choose to withdraw from the course prior to commencement, you will be refunded the fees you have paid to date less a $500 administrative fee.
- If you are paying by monthly instalments, and choose to withdraw from the course post commencement fo the course, you will be responsible to cover all fees owing and the direct debit will continue until all fees are collected.
7.3 If a student withdraws from the course with fees owing, they are responsible for paying any outstanding amount.
7.4 You acknowledge that if necessary the School of Shamanic Womancraft will engage the services of a Debt Collection Agency to attain any owed fees from your course tuition that are outstanding and that if this is required you will be liable for the agency fees charged to do this.
7.5 We reserve the right to remove you from the School of Shamanic Womancraft Four or Eight Seasons Journey if you are in arrears and/or failing to be in communication with us about owed funds. No removal from the course without communication and opportunities to liaise with us regarding your owed fees will take place.
7.6 Withdrawing from the 4/8SJ at any time means you will not be eligible to call yourself a School of Shamanic Womancraft graduate or a Shamanic Craftswoman.
7.7 Transferring
If something arises prior to the first gathering and you would like to transfer to another course at a later time, you may transfer your enrolment to a new date as long as availability permits.
Transfers are only possible if the student moves from one course to another starting at the beginning of the course being transferred to. Mid-course transfers to new courses are not permitted.
All fees owing must be paid on one course before transferring to another.
8. Certification
8.1 When you graduate from the School of Shamanic Womancraft Four or Eight Seasons Journey you can call yourself a Shamanic Craftswoman or Shamanic Womancrafter. If you do not wish to do anything further than that with your training you do not have to.
8.2 You have the opportunity to continue training with the School of Shamanic Womancraft through the Four and Eight Seasons Journey Apprentice Program and the Workshop Apprentice Program.
8.3 Graduates of the School of Shamanic Womancraft are able to become members of IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) as practitioners of Shamanic Womancraft. Membership of IICT allows you to purchase professional indemnity and public liability insurance through their preferred insurer.
To become a Graduate of the School of Shamanic Womancraft you need to:
- Attend all of the Gatherings of the course (or a make up when possible)
- complete all required course work in the student portal
- undertake 8 Workshops (MS, SDP, AWHQ, WWBW)
9. Our Commitment to you - Workshops
The School of Shamanic Womancraft offers workshops under the SSW branding umbrella.
Moonsong (MS), Shamanic Dimensions of Pregnancy (SDP), Autumn Woman, Harvest Queen (AWHQ) and Winter Woman, Bone Wisdom (WWBW) are four workshops offered by teachers of the school and are conducted by way of:
- One-day workshops
- Pre-readings and exercises
- Post-workshop reading and resources
9.1 To enrol in a workshop you must book through the booking links provided for each individual workshop. This may be through Eventbrite or a different booking system. Ticket bookings are decided by each individual teacher.
9.2 Details for workshops can be found at schoolofshamanicwomancraft.com/events
9.3 Individual teachers arrange payments for individual workshops. These may be through eventbrite or through other ticket booking agencies.
9.4 Workshop costs may differ between teachers and it is at the teachers discretion if any refunds or concessions are offered.
9.5 You will receive readings and exercises to do before the workshops and post workshop readings and resources will be shared.
10. Warranties and Indemnities
10.1 We do not warrant that the Website or Facebook page will be uninterrupted or error free or that the Site, its content or the server are free of viruses or other harmful components. The School of Shamanic Womancraft maintains current anti-virus software, however to the extent provided by law, we do not guarantee against third party interference or that the Website or its content will be compatible with third party software or hardware. The School of Shamanic Womancraft is not liable for any default due to an act of God, war, terrorism, strike, lock-out, industrial action, fire, flood, storm or other event beyond the Owner’s reasonable control.
10.2 You agree to indemnify, the School, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, officers, employees and agents for any claim arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions in using the Site and Facebook page pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
10.3 You acknowledge that while you will be receiving training in a Shamanic Womancraft practitioner way, and you will not hold the School of Shamanic Womancraft responsible for anything related to your personal business success or otherwise including your income and client attraction, including if you are profiled on the School of Shamanic Womancraft website.
11. Intellectual Property
The School of Shamanic Womancraft retains the right to all intellectual property (whether registered or not) that is created by us and you agree not to disclose, sell or deal with our materials in any way other than in accordance with these terms and conditions, or with the permission of the director of SSW, Jane Hardwicke Collings.
12. Termination
This agreement will terminate automatically upon completion of the Four or Eight Seasons Journey. This agreement will be terminated without notice if you fail to pay any amounts owing by the due date. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement if a breach of the terms occurs. We also reserve the right to terminate this agreement in the unfortunate event that we become unable to provide the services requested, in which case all monies paid for work not undertaken will be refunded.
If your student enrolment is terminated you will no longer have access to the Site or the Facebook page. The restrictions imposed on you with respect to the material provided to you, payment obligations, and the disclaimers and limitations of liabilities contained in these terms and conditions will survive termination.
13. Governing Law
This agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales and Australia.
14. Queries and Concerns
If you have any concerns relating to the School of Shamanic Womancraft and the Four or Eight Seasons Journey you are welcome to contact the school detailing your concerns and how you believe it can be swiftly resolved, where you will receive prompt support and attention. We are a supportive and caring business who will liaise with you in a professional manner and we ask you do the same for us too.
Updated April 2023
Earth Woman
Terms & Conditions
15. Our Commitment to You
15.1 Earth Woman is an Online course which can be conducted 2 ways:
- Self directed study
- 1:1 mentoring over 12 months guided by an SSW teacher
- both options give you access to an online temple which holds all of your course work, readings and handouts
- Online group support temple groups and zoom calls.
- 9 Earth Woman Modules
- Access to readings and coursework
- monthly webinars, hosted by an SSW teacher
15.3 We also provide you with:
- Private mentoring with your teachers over 12 months if you are enrolled in the teacher guided option
- Opportunity to connect with the other students and graduates of the school in online groups (through the SSW Temple)
16. Enrolment and Commencement
16.1 We accept enrolments at any time. There are limited number of teacher guided spots and a waiting list is used once spots are sold out.
The self directed option is available at all times.
16.2 To enrol in teacher led option, you must pay the enrolment and complete the registration form. To enrol in self directed, pay the enrolment fee.
Once we receive your registration, we will send you an official welcome email into the course, along with details on how to access the temple.
16.3 You will be added to the temple and temple groups and gain access to your course.
17. Your Commitment to the SSW
17.1 The School of Shamanic Womancraft requires a commitment of time, co-operation and participation. Earth Woman self directed is “do at your own pace”. Earth Woman with a teacher runs for 12 months. It is our experience that to successfully complete Earth Woman, students need to dedicate approximately five hours of study each week.
17.2 You acknowledge that undertaking Earth Woman may at times be personally challenging and you will not knowingly undertake the course if you believe that you will not respond well to personal conversations, personal growth and constructive feedback in keeping with the modality of Shamanic Womancraft.
17.3 It is highly recommended that you attend every zoom call for your growth and learning.
18. Your Commitment to Fellow Students
18.1 You acknowledge that you are undertaking an adult learning process and that everyone has individual approaches to learning and participation. You acknowledge that there may be times when you or other students will have a difference of opinion or values and that you will deal with those differences with dignity and respect for yourself and others.
18.2 All students have access to the Temple and you acknowledge that participating in this space is an aspect of strengthening the circle of Earth Woman you are participating in.
18.3 All students are supporting each other through our shared experience and collective wisdom (a concept referred to as “circle as shaman”). You agree to the principals of safety and confidentiality.
19. Participation Requirements
- defamatory, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, intimidating, harassing, disrespectful, inappropriate, harmful, hateful, abusive, tortious, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, sexist, racist, homophobic, violent or degrading;
- infringes the intellectual or other proprietary interests of third parties;
- contains spam, chain letters, pyramid and other such selling and marketing schemes, computer viruses, computer code, files or programs or other harmful components that are designed to interrupt, destroy, change or limit the functionality of the Site or any other computer software, hardware or other electronic equipment, information which in any way impinges on another user’s use or enjoyment of the Site or otherwise breaches or encourages other users to breach these Terms and Conditions;
- violates any law; or
- encourages or incites any other person to engage in any of the above behaviour.
- Use technology or other means that is not authorised by the SSW to access the SSW website;
- Use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, “robots,” “spiders,” or “offline readers,” to access the SSW website;
- Attempt to or introduce viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that may interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the SSW website or the Facebook page;
- Gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the SSW website or Facebook page including the networks or user accounts; or
- Attempt to or engage in conduct that damages, disables, overburdens, or impairs the SSW website, Facebook page, servers or networks.
20. Your Financial Commitment
20.1 In order to secure your place in Earth Woman, we require payment of the course fees either in an upfront lump sum or via six monthly instalments.
20.2 If paying by instalment, your first payment is due with your registration. Each following payment will be withdrawn from your account on the same date each month.
20.3 You are responsible for any costs associated with participating in Zoom group calls, (cost of a local call/higher from mobiles or free via the internet).
20.4 If you are unable to attend a zoom call for any reason, you are still responsible for the full fees of the course.
20.5 All monthly fees must be paid on time. If payments are not made, or you do not reply to communication about late payments, then the case may be referred to a collection agency. All effort is used to communicate and support students who may be having difficulty paying their fees.
20.6 missed sessions in the teacher led option can be rescheduled at the discretion of the teacher.
21. Withdrawing
21.1 We conduct our services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind.
Despite our rights by law, we will provide a partial refund for withdrawals under the following conditions:
21.2 Withdrawal and Refund Period
If you work through the first few modules of a course are not totally happy with it, then we will refund your money. Earth Woman has a 14 day money back guarantee and refund period.
We believe in our courses and hundreds of women have experienced positive transformational experiences from this work. This requires that you follow the course and do the work.
You must demonstrate that you have participated in the Course by accessing course content, joining the Temple and participating in calls before requesting a cancellation of your course and refund. We may request the submission of completed processes in considering your refund request. A change of mind does not constitute a valid reason for cancellation and request for refund. In considering your refund we may also charge an admin fee at our discretion.
Requests for refunds must be made in writing via email within the defined refund period as listed above.
If you receive your money back you must delete every copy of the product and materials that you have downloaded as well as copies you have placed on other devices or media.
Being removed or banned from the Temple Earth Woman group does not entitle you to a refund of your Earth Woman fee.
We do not refund for change of mind.
Earth Woman commences when you register for the course and receive your Welcome email.
21.3 EW teacher led Withdrawal
If a student needs to withdraw from the teacher grledoup option, they will be refunded under the following conditions:
a. They are less than halfway through the process
b. They have proven that they have been working through the course and have written to SSW Admin with their reason for withdrawal.
c. They will be refunded proportionally, based on what month they are up to.
d. Once past the third month of the teacher led process there are no refunds available.
e. The administration fee is not refundable.
f. Small group students will not be refunded the $1998 portiong of the fees (the self directed cost of Earth Woman) as they continue to have access to the temple and content.
21.4 If a student withdraws from the course with fees owing, they are responsible for paying any outstanding amount.
21.5 You acknowledge that if necessary the School of Shamanic Womancraft will engage the services of a Debt Collection Agency to attain any owed fees from your course tuition that are outstanding and that if this is required you will be liable for the agency fees charged to do this.
21.6 We reserve the right to remove you from the School of Shamanic Womancraft Earth Woman if you are in arrears and/or failing to be in communication with us about owed funds. No removal from the course without communication and opportunities to liaise with us regarding your owed fees will take place.
22. Certification
22.1 Completion of Earth Woman gives you a certificate of completion. It does not give you the ability to call yourself a Shamanic Craftswoman.
22.2 You have the opportunity to continue training with the School of Shamanic Womancraft through the Four and Eight Seasons Journey and then the subsequent Apprentice programs.
22.3 If you have done the Earth Woman guided by a teacher, you can access our graduate programs of the Workshop Apprenticeship or Praxis.
23. Warranties and Indemnities
23.1 We do not warrant that the Temple, the Website or Facebook page will be uninterrupted or error free or that the Site, its content or the server are free of viruses or other harmful components. The School of Shamanic Womancraft maintains current anti-virus software, however to the extent provided by law, we do not guarantee against third party interference or that the Website or its content will be compatible with third party software or hardware. The School of Shamanic Womancraft is not liable for any default due to an act of God, war, terrorism, strike, lock-out, industrial action, fire, flood, storm or other event beyond the Owner’s reasonable control.
23.2 You agree to indemnify, the School, its partners, licensors, affiliates, contractors, officers, employees and agents for any claim arising directly or indirectly from your acts and omissions in using the Site and Facebook page pursuant to the terms of the Agreement.
23.3 You acknowledge that while you will be receiving training in a Shamanic Womancraft practitioner way, and you will not hold the School of Shamanic Womancraft responsible for anything related to your personal business success or otherwise including your income and client attraction.
24. Intellectual Property
The School of Shamanic Womancraft retains the right to all intellectual property (whether registered or not) that is created by us and you agree not to disclose, sell or deal with our materials in any way other than in accordance with these terms and conditions, or with the permission of the director of SSW, Jane Hardwicke Collings.
25. Termination
This agreement will terminate automatically upon completion of Earth Woman. This agreement will be terminated without notice if you fail to pay any amounts owing by the due date. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement if a breach of the terms occurs. We also reserve the right to terminate this agreement in the unfortunate event that we become unable to provide the services requested, in which case all monies paid for work not undertaken will be refunded.
If your student enrolment is terminated you will no longer have access to the Site the temple or the Facebook page. The restrictions imposed on you with respect to the material provided to you, payment obligations, and the disclaimers and limitations of liabilities contained in these terms and conditions will survive termination.
26. Governing Law
This agreement is governed by the laws of Victoria and Australia.
27. Queries and Concerns
If you have any concerns relating to the School of Shamanic Womancraft and Earth Woman you are welcome to contact the school detailing your concerns and how you believe it can be swiftly resolved, where you will receive prompt support and attention. We are a supportive and caring business who will liaise with you in a professional manner and we ask you do the same for us too.
Updated April 2023
Earth Woman Rising Program
Terms & Conditions
28. Our Commitment to You
28.1 Earth Woman Rising Program (EWR) is an 8 day residential intensive training program.
They cover:
- Rites of passage
- Stages of womanhood
- Ritual and Ceremony
- Journeying
29. Enrolment and Commencement
29.1 We accept enrolments at any time prior to the commencement of the Course until the course is full or we have reached the enrolment deadline.
29.2 To enrol, you must complete the registration form and pay the enrolment fee. Once we receive your registration, we will send you an official welcome email into the retreat, confirming that your application is complete.
30. Your Commitment to the SSW
30.1 The School of Shamanic Womancraft requires a commitment of time, co-operation and participation.
30.2 You acknowledge that undertaking the Earth Woman Rising Program may at times be personally challenging and you will not knowingly undertake the course if you believe that you will not respond well to personal conversations, personal growth and constructive feedback in keeping with the modality of Shamanic Womancraft.
30.3 We record part of the gatherings with audio/video/photography. By enroling in EWR you consent to these recordings, unless you state that you do NOT consent to this. The photos and recordings are made available to students on the course and may be used for promotion. No sensitive process is recorded for any use but your own.
31. Your Commitment to Fellow Participants
31.1 You acknowledge that you are undertaking an adult learning process and that everyone has individual approaches to learning and participation. You acknowledge that there may be times when you or other students will have a difference of opinion or values and that you will deal with those differences with dignity and respect for yourself and others.
32.2 All participants are supporting each other through our shared experience and collective wisdom (a concept referred to as “circle as shaman”). You agree to the principals of safety and confidentiality.
32. Your Financial Commitment
We encourage you to carefully consider your ability to attend Earth Woman Rising, to yourself, to the SSW and to the women in the circle. During the lead up time to the commencement of the Program, your may experience resistance to the inner and outer work required. We are here to support you though this common part of the transformational experience.
32.1 In order to secure your place in Earth Woman Rising Program we require payment of the fees either in an upfront payment or via a deposit and monthly instalments.
32.2 If paying by instalment, your first deposit payment is due with your registration. Each following payment will be withdrawn fin accordance with the plan for the program you have joined.
32.3 Course fees covers: accommodation, catering, materials, administration and tuition costs at the retreat.
32.4 All monthly fees must be paid on time. If payments are not made, or you do not reply to communication about late payments, then the case may be referred to a collection agency. All effort is used to communicate and support students who may be having difficulty paying their fees.
32.5 The Program is residential and accommodation is included in the price.
32.6 All fees must be paid on time. If payments are not made, or you do not reply to communication about late payments, then the case may be referred to a collection agency. All effort is used to communicate and support students who may be having difficulty paying their fees.
33. Cancellations
33.1 We conduct our services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind. As such, we do not provide refunds except under extreme circumstances.
If you are paying by monthly instalments, and can no longer attend you will be responsible for paying the full fee of the retreat and the automatic payments will continue until this amount is debited.
If you are unable to attend the Program, fees are transferrable to another school program.
33.2 If a participant completes the retreat with fees owing, they are responsible for paying any outstanding amount.
33.3 You acknowledge that if necessary the School of Shamanic Womancraft will engage the services of a Debt Collection Agency to attain any owed fees from your course tuition that are outstanding and that if this is required you will be liable for the agency fees charged to do this.
34. Intellectual Property
The School of Shamanic Womancraft retains the right to all intellectual property (whether registered or not) that is created by us and you agree not to disclose, sell or deal with our materials in any way other than in accordance with these terms and conditions, or with the permission of the director of SSW, Jane Hardwicke Collings.
35. Governing Law
This agreement is governed by the laws of Victoria and Australia.
36. Queries and Concerns
If you have any concerns relating to the School of Shamanic Womancraft you are welcome to contact the school detailing your concerns and how you believe it can be swiftly resolved, where you will receive prompt support and attention. We are a supportive and caring business who will liaise with you in a professional manner and we ask you do the same for us too.
Updated September 2023
Terms & Conditions
37. Our Commitment to You
37.1 The SSW Apprentice Program and Teacher Training Program (SWWAP or SWWAT ) run alongside the Four Seasons Journey year long programs.
They tech participants how to deepen their knowledge and become teachers of this work.
38. Enrolment and Commencement
38.1 We accept enrolments at any time prior to the commencement of the Course until the course is full or we have reached the enrolment deadline.
38.2 To enrol, you must complete the registration form and pay the enrolment fee. Once we receive your registration, we will send you an official welcome email into the retreat, confirming that your application is complete.
39. Your Commitment to the SSW
39.1 The School of Shamanic Womancraft requires a commitment of time, co-operation and participation.
39.2 You acknowledge that undertaking the Apprentice Program may at times be personally challenging and you will not knowingly undertake the course if you believe that you will not respond well to personal conversations, personal growth and constructive feedback in keeping with the modality of Shamanic Womancraft.
39.3 We record part of the gatherings with audio/video/photography. By enroling in EWR you consent to these recordings, unless you state that you do NOT consent to this. The photos and recordings are made available to students on the course and may be used for promotion. No sensitive process is recorded for any use but your own.
40. Your Commitment to Fellow Participants
40.1 You acknowledge that you are undertaking an adult learning process and that everyone has individual approaches to learning and participation. You acknowledge that there may be times when you or other students will have a difference of opinion or values and that you will deal with those differences with dignity and respect for yourself and others.
40.2 All participants are supporting each other through our shared experience and collective wisdom (a concept referred to as “circle as shaman”). You agree to the principals of safety and confidentiality.
41. Participation Requirements
You agree to all of the Participation requirements of the Four Seasons Journey (as outlined above) and the following:
41.1 You agree to participate in all aspects of the 4/8SJ (including use the temple , the Googlegroup and Facebook page) in good faith and in a way so as to not bring disrepute or cause reputational or other damage to the School of Shamanic Womancraft.
41.2 You agree that you will not upload or provide content on the Googlegroup or on the Facebook page which is:
- defamatory, fraudulent, unlawful, threatening, intimidating, harassing, disrespectful, inappropriate, harmful, hateful, abusive, tortious, obscene, invasive of another’s privacy, sexist, racist, homophobic, violent or degrading;
- infringes the intellectual or other proprietary interests of third parties;
- contains spam, chain letters, pyramid and other such selling and marketing schemes, computer viruses, computer code, files or programs or other harmful components that are designed to interrupt, destroy, change or limit the functionality of the Site or any other computer software, hardware or other electronic equipment, information which in any way impinges on another user’s use or enjoyment of the Site or otherwise breaches or encourages other users to breach these Terms and Conditions;
- violates any law; or
- encourages or incites any other person to engage in any of the above behaviour.
41.3 You agree that you will not:
- Use technology or other means that is not authorised by the SSW to access the SSW website;
- Use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, “robots,” “spiders,” or “offline readers,” to access the SSW website;
- Attempt to or introduce viruses or any other computer code, files or programs that may interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of the SSW website or the Facebook page;
- Gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to the SSW website or Facebook page including the networks or user accounts; or
- Attempt to or engage in conduct that damages, disables, overburdens, or impairs the SSW website, Facebook page, servers or networks.
- programs are not ‘therapeutic’ or a substitute for therapy.
- participation in a Four/Eight Seasons Journey is entirely by choice, voluntarily and freely made.
- you may choose not to participate in any part of a program.
- you acknowledge that your involvement in a program can be discontinued at the discretion of the SSW.
- If you are under the care of a treating professional for mental health reasons, you must provide confirmation to The SSW that the professional has agreed to your involvement in this program.
41.5 SSW reserves the right to assess you for compatibility with programs and in some cases registrations may not be accepted.
41.6 You acknowledge that the Four Seasons Journey is conducted wilderness areas and that the availability of medical resources and services may be limited. It is recommended tha you have ambulance cover in case of an emergency where an ambulance is called.
- You agree to read, fill in and return our Duty of Care Waiver prior to the course start date, or on the day of the opening gathering,
- the Four/Eight Seasons Journey can be physically and psychologically challenging – for the safety of all, we require that you be in good physical, mental and emotional health. You agree to take full responsibility for your health, wellbeing, safety, and all that you experience while participating in the 4SJ.
- Taking account of your health and personal capabilities, you assume the inherent risks in taking part in the program, physical and psychological, including but not limited to rugged terrain, poisonous creatures, exposure to heat and cold, possible COVID or other infections, and activities which may be psychologically challenging and/or confronting.
- You release the SSW, SSW teachers, apprentices and its associates from liability or claims, financial or otherwise, in respect of accidental injury, illness
41. Your Financial Commitment
We encourage you to carefully consider your ability to commit to a Four or Eight Seasons Journey, to yourself, to the SSW and to the women in the circle. During the lead up time to the commencement of the course, your may experience resistance to the inner and outer work required. We are here to support you though this common part of the transformational experience.
42.1 In order to secure your place in the Four or Eight Seasons Journey we require payment of the course fees either in an upfront payment or via a deposit and twelve monthly instalments.
42.2 Upfront payments receive a discounted rate. If paying by instalment, your first deposit payment is due with your registration. Each following payment will be withdrawn from your account on the same date each month.
42.3 Course fees cover all accommodation, catering, materials, administration and support costs at gatherings, as well as support throughout the year.
42.4 You are responsible for any costs associated with participating in Zoom group calls, (cost of a local call/higher from mobiles or free via the internet) and transportation to and from the gatherings.
42.5 If you are unable to attend a gathering for any reason, you are still responsible for the full fees of the course. A make-up gathering will be created if possible. A make-up gathering can take the form of a small circle held by a teacher or an apprentice and any available journey women, or an online process held by a teacher or apprentice.
42.6 All monthly fees must be paid on time. If payments are not made, or you do not reply to communication about late payments, then the case may be referred to a collection agency. All effort is used to communicate and support students who may be having difficulty paying their fees.
42.7 To ensure financial viability, there is typically a minimum number of participants required in any given program. Where travel to a program is required, do not make any formal travel arrangements until you receive confirmation from the SSW that the program is proceeding.
43. Transferring and Withdrawing
43.1 We conduct our services in accordance with, and you have the rights as provided by, the Australian Consumer Law (“the law”). Under the law, we are not required to provide a refund for a change of mind.
As such, we do not provide refunds except under extreme circumstances.
43.2 Withdrawal and Refund Period
The Four and Eight Seasons Journey commences when you register for the course and receive your Welcome letter.
The official start date of the Four Seasons Journey is approx one month before the first gathering, when you are given access to the online temple.
If you withdraw after the commencement of your enrolment and prior to the official start date of the course, you will be refunded minus a $500 administration fee.
If we need to cancel a course, you will be refunded in full.
- If you paid the full fee amount at the time of registration, and choose to withdraw from the course prior to commencement, you will be refunded the fees less a $500 administrative fee.
- If you paid the full fee amount at the time of registration, and choose to withdraw from the course at any time, you will be not be refunded
- If you are paying by monthly instalments, and choose to withdraw from the course prior to commencement, you will be refunded the fees you have paid to date less a $500 administrative fee.
- If you are paying by monthly instalments, and choose to withdraw from the course, you will be responsible to cover all fees owing and the direct debit will continue until all fees are collected.
43.3 If a student withdraws from the course with fees owing, they are responsible for paying any outstanding amount.
43.4 You acknowledge that if necessary the School of Shamanic Womancraft will engage the services of a Debt Collection Agency to attain any owed fees from your course tuition that are outstanding and that if this is required you will be liable for the agency fees charged to do this.
43.5 We reserve the right to remove you from the School of Shamanic Womancraft Four or Eight Seasons Journey if you are in arrears and/or failing to be in communication with us about owed funds. No removal from the course without communication and opportunities to liaise with us regarding your owed fees will take place.
43.6 Withdrawing from the 4/8SJ at any time means you will not be eligible to call yourself a School of Shamanic Womancraft graduate or a Shamanic Craftswoman.
43.7 Transferring
If something arises prior to the first gathering and you would like to transfer to another course at a later time, you may transfer your enrolment to a new date as long as availability permits.
Transfers are only possible if the student moves from one course to another starting at the beginning of the course being transferred to. Mid-course transfers to new courses are not permitted.
All fees owing must be paid on one course before transferring to another.
8. Certification
8.1 When you graduate from the School of Shamanic Womancraft Four or Eight Seasons Journey you can call yourself a Shamanic Craftswoman or Shamanic Womancrafter. If you do not wish to do anything further than that with your training you do not have to.
8.2 You have the opportunity to continue training with the School of Shamanic Womancraft through the Four and Eight Seasons Journey Apprentice Program and the Workshop Apprentice Program.
8.3 Graduates of the School of Shamanic Womancraft are able to become members of IICT (International Institute for Complementary Therapists) as practitioners of Shamanic Womancraft. Membership of IICT allows you to purchase professional indemnity and public liability insurance through their preferred insurer.
To become a Graduate of the School of Shamanic Womancraft you need to:
- Attend all of the Gatherings of the course (or a make up when possible)
- complete all required course work in the student portal
- undertake 8 Workshops (MS, SDP, AWHQ, WWBW)
11. Intellectual Property
The School of Shamanic Womancraft retains the right to all intellectual property (whether registered or not) that is created by us and you agree not to disclose, sell or deal with our materials in any way other than in accordance with these terms and conditions, or with the permission of the director of SSW, Jane Hardwicke Collings.
12. Termination
This agreement will terminate automatically upon completion of the Four or Eight Seasons Journey. This agreement will be terminated without notice if you fail to pay any amounts owing by the due date. We reserve the right to terminate this agreement if a breach of the terms occurs. We also reserve the right to terminate this agreement in the unfortunate event that we become unable to provide the services requested, in which case all monies paid for work not undertaken will be refunded.
If your student enrolment is terminated you will no longer have access to the Site or the Facebook page. The restrictions imposed on you with respect to the material provided to you, payment obligations, and the disclaimers and limitations of liabilities contained in these terms and conditions will survive termination.
13. Governing Law
This agreement is governed by the laws of New South Wales and Australia.
14. Queries and Concerns
If you have any concerns relating to the School of Shamanic Womancraft and the Four or Eight Seasons Journey you are welcome to contact the school detailing your concerns and how you believe it can be swiftly resolved, where you will receive prompt support and attention. We are a supportive and caring business who will liaise with you in a professional manner and we ask you do the same for us too.
Updated April 2023
SSW Temple App
Terms & Conditions
By downloading or using the app, these terms will automatically apply to you – you should make sure therefore that you read them carefully before using the app. You’re not allowed to copy or modify the app, any part of the app, or our trademarks in any way. You’re not allowed to attempt to extract the source code of the app, and you also shouldn’t try to translate the app into other languages or make derivative versions. The app itself, and all the trademarks, copyright, database rights, and other intellectual property rights related to it, still belong to Pallas Athene Pty Ltd.
Pallas Athene Pty Ltd is committed to ensuring that the app is as useful and efficient as possible. For that reason, we reserve the right to make changes to the app or to charge for its services, at any time and for any reason. We will never charge you for the app or its services without making it very clear to you exactly what you’re paying for.
The SSW Temple app stores and processes personal data that you have provided to us, to provide our Service. It’s your responsibility to keep your phone and access to the app secure. We therefore recommend that you do not jailbreak or root your phone, which is the process of removing software restrictions and limitations imposed by the official operating system of your device. It could make your phone vulnerable to malware/viruses/malicious programs, compromise your phone’s security features and it could mean that the SSW Temple app won’t work properly or at all.
The app does use third-party services that declare their Terms and Conditions.
Link to Terms and Conditions of third-party service providers used by the app
You should be aware that there are certain things that Pallas Athene Pty Ltd will not take responsibility for. Certain functions of the app will require the app to have an active internet connection. The connection can be Wi-Fi or provided by your mobile network provider, but Pallas Athene Pty Ltd cannot take responsibility for the app not working at full functionality if you don’t have access to Wi-Fi, and you don’t have any of your data allowance left.
If you’re using the app outside of an area with Wi-Fi, you should remember that the terms of the agreement with your mobile network provider will still apply. As a result, you may be charged by your mobile provider for the cost of data for the duration of the connection while accessing the app, or other third-party charges. In using the app, you’re accepting responsibility for any such charges, including roaming data charges if you use the app outside of your home territory (i.e. region or country) without turning off data roaming. If you are not the bill payer for the device on which you’re using the app, please be aware that we assume that you have received permission from the bill payer for using the app.
Along the same lines, Pallas Athene Pty Ltd cannot always take responsibility for the way you use the app i.e. You need to make sure that your device stays charged – if it runs out of battery and you can’t turn it on to avail the Service, Pallas Athene Pty Ltd cannot accept responsibility.
With respect to Pallas Athene Pty Ltd’s responsibility for your use of the app, when you’re using the app, it’s important to bear in mind that although we endeavor to ensure that it is updated and correct at all times, we do rely on third parties to provide information to us so that we can make it available to you. Pallas Athene Pty Ltd accepts no liability for any loss, direct or indirect, you experience as a result of relying wholly on this functionality of the app.
At some point, we may wish to update the app. The app is currently available on Android & iOS – the requirements for the both systems(and for any additional systems we decide to extend the availability of the app to) may change, and you’ll need to download the updates if you want to keep using the app. Pallas Athene Pty Ltd does not promise that it will always update the app so that it is relevant to you and/or works with the Android & iOS version that you have installed on your device. However, you promise to always accept updates to the application when offered to you, We may also wish to stop providing the app, and may terminate use of it at any time without giving notice of termination to you. Unless we tell you otherwise, upon any termination, (a) the rights and licenses granted to you in these terms will end; (b) you must stop using the app, and (if needed) delete it from your device.
Changes to This Terms and Conditions
We may update our Terms and Conditions from time to time. Thus, you are advised to review this page periodically for any changes. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Terms and Conditions on this page.
These terms and conditions are effective as of January 2024.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Terms and Conditions, do not hesitate to contact us.
Updated September 2024