"becoming a Woman" ~ facilitator training April 2024

"becoming a Woman" ~ facilitator training April 2024

"becoming a Woman" ~ facilitator training April 2024

14 – Hearth – Talia – Maidens and Magic

Talia asked the question after she found her self travelling for some time, what is it to be a woman? She becomes even more curious and interested, and serendipitously she found the School of Shamanic Womancraft. Here is Talia’s journey into weaving the hearth…

Musings from Talia

“I am a woman of this earth, and what does that mean?”

“The feeling in my body was, your safe and your here.”

“Allowing my body and being to become connected with the earth.”

“I am teaching the wisdom of the cycles.”

“Tune back into that place of truth.”

“When I bleed, I can take that opportunity to go inward and listen to my body.”

“You can feel the magic; it was like a dream come true.”

“The Eight Seasons Journey can offer women a little more spaciousness during this time.”

“Can you find that place in your body where your truth lives?”

Flow with Talia

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