"becoming a Woman" ~ facilitator training April 2024

"becoming a Woman" ~ facilitator training April 2024

"becoming a Woman" ~ facilitator training April 2024

5 – Blood – Sequoia – Safety & Connection

Sequoia brings us an insightful podcast. We explore her deep calling to do this work and how she come into her first journey with the SSW back in 2010, then she was pregnant and we learn fro Sequoia how she got held over this year in pregnancy, birth and postpartum…. We dived into safety and how ‘showing up’ is the process of finding deeply held safety. How can we show up? How can we let the circle hold us? Sequoia guides us gracefully into what a journey with the SSW can enrich our lives with. We hold space and talk about the importance, now more than ever of honouring our bleed time, blood rituals and also doing what works for you…

Musings from Sequoia


“The circle is always there.”

“I dedicate my life to serving the goddess and follow that path.”

“The circle needs a collective to exist so we create that energy and magic.”

“It can be so scary for so many women to show up because our wounding is around the feminine.”

“I have such awe to women that show up and share their wounding.”

“The magic can flow when you feel safe.”

“Your blood is special, magical and a potent substance.”

“The third day of your blood time is your vision quest.”

“Imagine if every woman who was bleeding was giving this back to the earth.”

“The women that I have met over the years sitting in these circles is incredible!”

Find Sequoia @ – 

web: withinwoman.com.au

instagram: withinwoman

FB: @withinwoman

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