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enrol now >> Four seasons journey 2025 >>

enrol now >> Four seasons journey 2025 >>



A space to honour and celebrate the Wise Old Woman in all of her manifestations
and to consciously, intentionally, apprentice to our Elderhood

A space to honour and celebrate the Wise Old Woman in all of her manifestations and to consciously, intentionally, apprentice to our Elderhood

What is Winter Woman Bone Wisdom?

Winter Woman Bone Wisdom is a one-day workshop in which we explore the archetype of the Crone.

A space to honour and celebrate the Wise Old Woman in all of her manifestations and to consciously, intentionally apprentice to our Elderhood.
This workshop will help you:


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Why Eldership?

Elderhood in our culture is framed around a negative narrative that idolises youth and productivity.  It’s tangled up in a story of loss rather than gain; something to avoid or at least delay if we can.
Elderhood is the Winter season of our life. A time to reflect on a life lived, the joys and the sorrows, our woundings, our gifts and the wisdom that lives deep in our bones.
Elderhood culminates in our final rite of passage but it also reminds us that we still have the time and the opportunity to live well, to live intentionally and leave a rich legacy for future generations.
Let’s begin our apprenticeship to Cronehood now.  Together we can learn the art of eldership and reclaim the Crone as the Elder Wise Woman of Power that She is!

"At menarche a young woman enters her power,
throughout her menstruating years she practices her power,
and at menopause she becomes her power.”

– Native American saying

"At menarche a young woman enters her power,
throughout her menstruating years she practices her power,
and at menopause she becomes her power.”

– Native American saying

Shape of the Day

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Winter Woman Bone Wisdom Teachers

Want to know more about our workshop facilitators? 
Click through for bio, podcast episode and contact details!
Or, find a teacher in your local area here.

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